Hypnotherapy is a safe and highly effective intervention using a blend of talking therapy and deep relaxation to treat conditions and change habits of mind and behaviour.

What are you holding onto?


How hypnotherapy can help

We are all carrying accumulated parts of ourselves in our subconscious mind, stories and self-beliefs that hold an archive of information dictating our habits, reactions, thoughts and behaviours.

It’s easy to think that you are stuck with the way you are, always at the mercy of your insecurities and perceived flaws. Despite often wanting to make changes, it’s difficult to do this on your own and through willpower alone. The stories of your hidden parts are so entrenched that you believe they represent the unwavering truth of who you are and can be tough to challenge.

Hypnotherapy allows you to gently contact those hidden or wounded parts and re-write the stories, choosing the narrative according to what you actually want, who you truly wish to be, and what you need to let go of at this time.

Hypnotherapy allows you to communicate with the parts that keep you stuck in unhealthy or harmful patterns, and choose another way to live that feels more aligned to the truth of your purpose and potential.

Examples of what hypnotherapy can help you to overcome include:

* stress and anxiety * panic attacks * low mood and depression * self-harm * exam stress * nail biting * weight management * fears and phobias * menopausal symptoms * stopping smoking * public speaking * low self-esteem * insomnia * exhaustion * pain management * and more.

Get in touch for your initial free 30 minute online consultation.

Subsequent treatment sessions are held online or in person and run for 50 minutes.


Let’s get you to where you want to be.