Mindfulness - Wellbeing - Lifefulness

Imagine waking up and truly living in the moment.

Life is like surfing, one minute you’re up and riding a great wave, the next minute you’re struggling to keep your head above water. Rising and falling, constantly changing like the tides of the ocean.

Mindfulness Courses

6-Week Mindfulness Course

Perfect for workplace employees or anyone who is curious about beginning a mindfulness practice.

This 6-week group course, 1 hour per week, offers a beginners insight into:

  • simple techniques

  • ways to overcome difficulties and barriers

  • how mindfulness can benefit you

  • ways to embed mindfulness into your daily life

Receive weekly recordings to try out different meditations and begin to experience the benefits for yourself.


8-Week MBCT-L Mindfulness Course

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Life is a comprehensive 8-week course for all ages and stages of people wanting to live life with more presence and meaningful skills to navigate the ups and downs.

MBCT-L provides a depth of experiential understanding enabling and supporting participants to develop a regular practice and gain greater awareness of the benefits of living a more mindful life.

The content within in this course wonderfully blends the wisdom of ancient traditional contemplative techniques with modern CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) psychology exercises.

In it we introduce a different way of living, to support the many challenges in life including: onset of life-altering health conditions, pain management, anxiety and depression disorders, troubling recurrent patterns of thought and behaviour that create suffering, as well as ways to savour the joyful aspects of life and to flourish.

Course includes handbook and weekly recordings. Available as a group class or private 1:1 tuition.

Next course September/October 2023.


Family Mindfulness

Designed for family members of all ages to come together and learn some new skills for wellbeing, this 6-week course provides tools to navigate the ups and downs of life including transitions, relationships, good communication, kindness to others, awareness of self.

In this course we talk about:

  • why and how to practice mindfulness, simple techniques

  • different parts of our brain and how they engage when we practice mindfulness

  • dealing with difficulties in life

  • how to recognise our fight, flight or freeze reactions

  • ways to grow our happiness

Available as group class or private family course.


Wellbeing for You


Sometimes we need a more personalised package of practices to help us through difficult times or get back on track. In these one to one sessions we will explore exactly what you need including; developing practices for mindful awareness, dropping into deep, healing, meditative relaxation and rest, utilising hypnoya for intentional and sustainable change. 

Sessions can be in person or online, as you prefer.


Mindfulness/Wellbeing for You: one to one sessions

One to one sessions provide an opportunity to learn skills taylor-made for your particular needs.

Like surfing, learning mindfulness takes time and practice, you can’t just stand up and start riding pro-style first time. But once you have some techniques in your toolbox, you have them for life. Choosing a 6-week or 8-week course will provide you with all you with everything to get started - but sometimes we need a more personal touch.

Book a FREE 30 minute consultation to find out more.

Just because you can do more, doesn’t mean to have to do more. If you find yourself overwhelmed, overtired and consumed by overthinking it could be that you need some specific life-surfing skills.

Mindfulness can help to ease many emotional and physical symptoms, including: stress, anxiety, low mood, pain management, sleeplessness, para-somnia (sleep-walking/ talking/ waking), and many more.

I work one to one with young people and adults of all ages, ranging from children to the elderly. Within the sessions we work to develop greater awareness around patterns of thought and behaviour in order to best be with our difficulties and challenges. We explore how we relate to ourselves and others. We learn how to integrate mindfulness into our daily lives, developing tools for self-care. Mindfulness will help you to grow positive pathways in the brain to create space for change and live with more ease, more happiness and harmony.


The Evidence


There’s growing evidence to support mindfulness training due to world renowned centres at Oxford and Bangor Universities. According to the World Health Organisation depression is the leading cause of disability around the world. Studies have shown that mindfulness provides an effective alternative to antidepressants, but research has now shifted to mindfulness being the primary prevention of mental health issues. Mindfulness has been recommended by the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence since 2004.

What people are saying


“I have MS and was recommended mindfulness by my consultant. I can honestly say that my cognitions feel easier and clearer and less muddled. Mindfulness with Marisa has cleared some of the chaos and confusion and bought some normality back to my life.”

— Jo 55yrs teacher

“I started learning mindfulness with Marisa because I was starting to feel burned out, already at my age! After the 8-week course I feel so much calmer and in control of my thoughts, rather than them being in control of me, and much more capable of managing my stress.”

— Carly 29yrs nurse

“My life as a working mum is frantic and stressful. I’m exhausted all the time and rarely make space for myself. These 6-weeks with Marisa have taught me how important it is to make time for my own wellbeing, which in turn helps me to be a better parent and enjoy it again.”

— Sam 38yrs events manager