Surf School - holistic home tutoring for children of all ages.

Holistic home tutoring provides tailored learning for your individual needs. Given an encouraging one-to-one environment I believe all children can attain exactly what they want or need to, whether the goal is gaining more academic skills and self confidence, studying for the 11+ grammar test, or GCSE support.

Why Surf School?

Our state school system is pretty amazing; it’s free, we have some choice as well as highly qualified and passionate teachers, but it’s largely a one-size-fits-all system and we are not all one size. 

Surf School - holistic home tutoring is based on the premise that every child is different; learns differently, has different skill-sets, different passions, interests and talents. Naturally when children are taught in large groups their individuality and specific learning styles get lost. This can lead to lack of confidence, problems of engagement, low self-esteem and loss of interest in learning. Perhaps more worryingly an erosion of self-belief leaving a dent in their mental wellbeing and emotional resilience. 

We combine academic lessons with life-surfing wellbeing skills to create an encouraging space for healthy development and growth. Learning exam techniques, managing stress and pressures, supporting children in accessing whatever they want to achieve.

When we learn to accept ourselves, really recognise and appreciate who we are without judgement or rejection, we can begin to access another level of development, expanding into our true nature and becoming more of the person we actually are rather than the person we think we should be. 

Surf school is home tutoring with an emphasis on mental health and wellbeing. Lessons are tailored made to suit individual academic needs and sprinkled with positive reinforcement, mindfulness, strategies for managing stress and anxiety,  tips for good sleep and ways to live a life with more joy and ease.

How are you?

If your child is having challenges at school, it might be worth asking what this is bringing up for you. No doubt you were schooled very differently from how things are now, and whatever you lacked or experienced back then will naturally be coming up and playing a part in the perception of any current situation. 

Could it be that now is the time for you to also challenge some deeply held negative self-beliefs? 

Is it time to break the cycle of this perpetual feeling of lack or inadequacy? pressure and comparison? stifled potential? a sense of under or over achievement? feelings of being unseen or misunderstood? 

At Lifesurfing we offer a genuinely holistic approach, providing a range of offerings to allow the whole family opportunity to heal and flourish. Why not book a free 30 minute consultation to explore ways in which you can receive what you want or need to make some positive changes in your life.

Marisa has been teaching wellbeing and providing learning support to children in schools in the Bournemouth and Poole area since 2016. She holds a number of qualifications in teaching and therapeutic practices, is a certified Mental Health First Aider and trained to deliver Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness.